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Strategy Development 


Having a compelling medium term strategy,  anchored on the strengths of your business and delivering the required financial returns has never been more important for a successful organisation.


We can partner your business through the processes of goal setting, opportunity assessment, strategy development and implementation planning, establishing the framework for future business growth.

Portfolio & Format Optimisation


Changing customer shopping habits, online shopping and the increasing cost of occupancy make it imperative for businesses to actively review and optimise their physical store portfolio. 


We can deliver an end to end store portfolio and space review aligned to your future customer needs and maximising your return on investment. 

Customer Experience & Proposition Development


The one constant is change, and customers are changing at an ever increasing rate. Many businesses struggle to keep up with their changing customers' expectations and risk becoming irrelevant.


We can help your business by stepping out of the now, working with you to develop forward looking strategies and propositions that will remain relevant and at the forefront of your customers' shopping missions. 

Operational Efficiency & Cost Management


Cost inflation, margin pressure and the ever rising pace of change makes "doing things the way they've always been done" unsustainable, unaffordable and pedestrian.


We can provide the resource, expertise and external benchmarking to enable your business to become more agile and customer facing, investing where it matters most.

Organisational Design & Functional Reviews 


Lack of clarity over priorities and accountabilities are regularly the cause of ineffective and costly delivery, whilst tactical pressures often take priority over impartial honest review. This leaves businesses struggling to adapt in a changing retail environment.


We can work with your business to design & develop a relevant, cost effective, accountability-led structure and governance framework that will ensure timely delivery of your strategic objectives.

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